Jose, you're a genius! I think I got it figured out. I enter a multiplier integer in the top right atoms# box and it does EXACTLY what it should!
Adam D. Benalt Production Technology Director 212-664-1142 desk 646-306-4751 blackberry MSNBC
-----Original Message----- From: padovani [] Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 9:42 PM To: Benalt, Adam D (NBC Universal, MSNBC); Subject: [LIKELY_SPAM]Re: [PD] Writing -dB or VU level to a TXT File
Benalt, Adam D (NBC Universal, MSNBC) escreveu:
Thanks Jonathan, This works as you noted below, however I need this to be an automated process. At least a couple of times per second, writing one numeric value to the same text file over and over again. Then I can query it as needed and it will return the VU level at that moment.
Pall -- This concept seems simpler than using terminal, as I'm not really familiar with how that will work.
something like that, maybe? (didn't tested on windows)