hi all,
i notized that [pix_zoom] doesnt work (atleast in win2k), so i started to think on an emulation for zoom using scale&translate... and oh yeah, i got it -> [_gem-mousezoom] (i started to use character "_" before patches that i use as "objects")
what it does:
how i did it:
(for scale)
quite simple, me think. and it seems to work quite accurate, but i only tested with one size of picture&video yet... so please report me of bugs/tips i'm not aware of, thnx...
here's the code & a test : http://www.vju-tv.net/zoom-emu.zip (open gem-zoom-emu.pd and read the instructions) [i used pd0.35-1, gem0.87 & zexy1.1 on win2k]
cheers -andre ps. can i delete files with pd (on windows!) ?