On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 01:07:11PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Yves Degoyon wrote:
i don't want one myself,
sorry, in my ardour i was a bit biased towards western market strategies, and only thought of those who would want a copy (already hearing the gold jingle-jangling in my moneybag)
You know, eastern market strategies are also the same. Maybe you want to contrast Terrean market strategies with those of, say, Uranus.
Over there in Uranus, markets work magically without money. People just give away and there are enough copies for everybody.
You must be just baiting Yves, because I seriously cannot beleive that you can't imagine a society without a monetary currency. You should read the Iain M Banks book "The Algebraist" where the only economy that truly advanced societies deal in is the currency of 'kudos'. I find this notion very convincing and sincerely hope that it's the future of our own society. Think forwards to a time when technology has eliminated scarcity.
I'm glad you didn't make a joke about sending a Pd powered missile to Uranus. ;)
chris@mccormick.cx http://mccormick.cx