Le mercredi 29 avril 2009 à 03:41 +0200, august a écrit :
I made some major bug fixes to my readanysf~ external.
readanysf~ is a puredata external for reading many file formats from your hard disk or via network.please check it out.
hi august,
a very little bug: the length of file is outputed as an int number, nothing after the decimal point.
Line 252 in Readsf.cpp is : return (float)(gavl_time_to_samples( input_audio_format.samplerate, t) / input_audio_format.samplerate);
and if I'm not wrong, should be something like : return (float)(gavl_time_to_samples( input_audio_format.samplerate, t) / (float) input_audio_format.samplerate);
"Length in second that have been played so far" is updated every 1000 dsp blocks. I think it's to much. Loops and events triggering will benefit a lot of a higher timing resolution, maybe a single dsp block.
All the best.