On Apr 19, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Patco wrote:
Frank Barknecht a écrit :
Hallo, Patco hat gesagt: // Patco wrote:
It would be so great if there was a repository where we could
find more .pd_linux files precompiled for all architectures, and the cvs or extended set of abstractions and extensions... my one ctYou mean a kind of pd-externals archive:
In fact I didn't mean a kind of archive but a kind of apt repository that would install or suggest the install of needed files for
particular externals, installing an external would look like:apt-get install pd-nameofexternal or apt-get install pd-nameofabstractions
It's true that having at least one mirrored external archive where we could find all architectures versions would be nice.
The auto-build farm is already set up to handle this, once there are
debian packages. We are lacking a 64-bit x86 machine, anyone want to
donate one?
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