On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 08:31 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 11:07:08AM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I would love a proper way for Pd vanilla/core to load libraries into abstractions. I know of [import] but most of my abstraction libraries target vanilla installs, too, so I cannot use it. And [declare] currently is designed for top-level _main.pd-style patches only, so there's no way to really preload list-abs in RTC-lib-abstractions for example.
It's not even working for top-level patches, because what you load for one top-level patch is also loaded for all subsequent patches until you restart pd.
If I interpret Miller's intentions for [declare] correctly, that's what it's designed to do. (I base my interpretation partly on his use of [declare] in the Pure Data Repertory Project PDRP.)
In my interpretation, [declare] is intended to be used in a single MAIN.pd and is the place to load all dependencies for all abstractions used inside that project ("dependencies" includes things like paths to resources like samples etc.). So if an abstraction you use complains about missing a [list-drip], add a [declare -(std)path list-abs] in MAIN.pd.
Your interpretation does not quite reflect, how [declare] currently behaves:
patchB.pd. In that respect, [declare] _is_ canvas local.
patchA.pd does not affect patchA.pd. Also in this respect it is canvas local.
('-lib' and '-path') expands always only relative to the path of the most top level patch (see your example). This actually renders those flags unusable within abstractions.
abstractions, since those flags are relative to the Pd path and thus independent from the most top level patch.
single classes canvas local. But this is probably more related to the classloader of Pd than specific to [declare] (and is the same with [import]).
instantiated an abstraction containing a [declare], the patch is polluted with a hidden [declare]. This does not mean, that [declare] is not canvas local.
When used in this way as we do in all the RjDj scene archives[*] [declare] works very well. But [declare] does not help with canvas-local loading at all, probably because it's designed with different intentions. To declare is not to import.
This is also not true. The combo libdir and [import] behaves very similar to [declare -stdpath] in that it is canvas local in the same respects as described above and also in that it expands pathes relative to Pd. A difference is, that it requires a mylib-meta.pd patch. If you want, [declare] is an extended [import] with bugs under certain circumstances.
(It took me a while to realise all that ...)
After all, I don't see why one should restrict themselves in [declare] usages as you propose it, OTOH it's certainly safe.