Damian Stewart wrote:
i'm trying to use oscSend to send some numeric data to another application.
basically i've got a float between 0 and 1. the receiving application unpacks the packet, assuming it's a float. the problem is, oscSend packs 0 and 1 as an int, but 0.000001 - 0.9999999 as a float. so on the receiving end i have to check if the type is an int or a float and unpack it accordingly.
i assume this is either caused by - the way pd passes around numbers internally, or - the way oscSend interprets incoming numbers.
is there any simple workaround?
PD uses floats internally. oscSend tries makes ints out of floats which are equal to their integer representation A simple workaround is to add a tiny offset to the numbers and subtract it on the other end. I think it's better to use the mrpeach osc objects; you can force the type of the arguments of [packOSC] to be float.