Iain Mott wrote:
hi list
I'm trying to stream mp3 audio with shoutcast~/icecast2. Have followed the Gentoo Howto as well as the shoutcast~ howto.
Everything seems to work fine, however when I try to connect to the stream with a browser and xmms, the stream is saved to disk rather than played by xmms. This happens on my local machine, but also on remote machines attempting to connect (so i'm told by a reliable source using both PC and Mac).
Should I be specifying some kind of playlist that references the stream?
Yes! Create a textfile called playlist.pls (or whatever name, just the file ending pls is important) with the following content:
[playlist] numberofentries=1 File1=http://yourdomain:8000/stream.mp3
This assumes that you stream on port 8000 and that the mountpoint you entered is stream.mp3. Then link to that file instead of linking directly to the stream.