I've had no problems with separator and pix_video under linux or OSX.
Seperator should be the right object, if you just put the texturing stuff before the separator and translation and rotation after the separator then only the texture should be shared between the objects...
Where did you put separator when it crashes? (don't have a windows box that likes pix_video myself)
----- Original Message ----- From: 01ek 01ek@sat.qc.ca Date: Sunday, March 9, 2003 1:54 pm Subject: [PD] pix_buf and separator
(this reminds me: i have fixed bugs in [pix_buf] and [separator].
going to
check these in)
If I have a pix_video that I want to texture map onto two seperate objects, and be able to manipulate each object's parameters individually without both objects being effected when I perform a rotate or translate, first I thought that the separator object would work to do this. But the separtaor alwayscrashes PD when I have an active pix_video in the chain. So Rainer told me to us the pix_buf instead, but that doesn't work either. I'm on Windows 2000 with Gem 0.87; are the bugs you mention fixing responsible?
I can't get a clear answer of whether the separator is supposed to work.Does it work with the pix_film, _movie, _video objects on other platforms?
thanks for any clarification. alexander
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