if you are up for another release, i would have one suggestion:
-add a numberbox type of input to the available GUI elements.
this would be useful for both choosing exact values and also for an easy way of displaying values (i now do it via “label”)
On 14 Aug 2021, at 17:40, hans w. koch hansw.koch@gmail.com wrote:
that would make me very happy :-) thanks,
Am 14.08.2021 um 17:05 schrieb Daniel Iglesia daniel.iglesia@gmail.com:
Sure I can do another app release
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 14, 2021, at 2:01 AM, hans w. koch hansw.koch@gmail.com wrote:
(slightly hijacking the thread because of love for mobmuplat)
while i am very grateful, that mobmuplat just keeps working on the newest iOS, i keep wondering if the recent developments in pd, which made it into libpd wouldn´t warrant a new release? thinking specifically of the text suite of objects, but maybe also things like [savestate], [pdcontrol], [slop~]. plus using multiple audio I/O configurations for me always are a bit hit or miss.
Am 14.08.2021 um 00:43 schrieb Simon Iten itensimon@gmail.com:
On 11 Aug 2021, at 02:38, Daniel Iglesia daniel.iglesia@gmail.com wrote:
- The multitouch widget sends out 4 different streams of data, each sorted a different way, for different desired usage. In your case, if you listen on "touchesByVox", the first element is the voice number, so a [route 1 2 3 4 5] should separate it into a stream per voice. Is that what you get? (it's been a while since I looked at it)
it was the touch outlet from route, not touchbyvox which works this way, perfect, thanks!
- There is not a single official format for saving, but you can read and write text files to/from disk with the vanilla objects, and come up with your own state-saving pattern. Rather than come up with a universal format, I assumed every user would have their own custom needs and would prefer their own mechanism.
fair enough, should work for me too!
On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 2:41 PM Simon Iten itensimon@gmail.com wrote:
For MobMuPlat devs or users…
what is the preferred way to receive data from a multitouch GUI object? i.e. send out a bunch of MIDI CC messages according to 3 or 4 fingers x/y position. (two CC messages per finger) i looked at the documentation and i can see the values, but i am stuck at extracting x and y independently for each finger “voice”. i don’t get the magic with [list prepend set] into [list trim], or how i can get a numeric stream (one value per outlet) from it.
thanks, and sorry if this question is obvious
also, is there a mechanism to save states like in pdparty? saving to a .sav file and recalling later?
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