On Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 08:39:43PM -0500, Mark Polishook wrote:
thanks ---
- is there a tot for darwin?
[shell] or [popen] and GNU Find works great for this sort of thing... i tended to cache the current dir's filenames in a maphash or pool object, so that you could randomly select other files w/o going back to the shell..
On Feb 13, 2006, at 8:31 PM, patco wrote:
Hello, Folderspiller is a set of patches designed for loading from any
directory the filetypes you choose. http://impala.utopia.free.fr/pd/patchs/selection/OUTILS/ folderspiller+fbox/--- Mark Polishook polishook@optonline.net a ?crit :
just wondering if there's an example or documentation somewhere for loading a directory of soundfiles (rather than reading one in at a time) so that the patch can figure out how many files exist and then load them, etc.
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