On Aug 11, 2017, at 10:31 AM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:
This would keep box sizes of Pd <= 0.47: "7 12" on Linux and Mac "7 13" on Windows
This is more likely related to platform margins and with the newer version of Tk, the metrics might be slightly different. Also, the zoom font sizing change may have lead to this as well.
The Pd extended styling adjusted the margins in slightly different ways to account for this and I've started a PR start experiment with porting over these tweaks: https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/162 https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/162
If this can't be adjusted, it would be good to know if the _new_ box sizes will be the canonical sizes.
Was there a canonical size before? We don't even have the same font on all platforms yet. I wouldn't plan on pixel perfect sizing yet...
It's way more than changing just the numbers in pd-gui.tcl and making per-platform metric numbers is probably a hack at best and headache at worst. In either case, IMO it's a lot of work and testing and thus may not happen *right now*.
Dan Wilcox @danomatika http://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/