Le 16 Juin 2006 06:28, Cesare Marilungo a écrit :
Just to add some meat to your post (even if I'm vegetarian), but what about those who resources hack an open source software like Audacity and sell it for a price?
http://www.marketworks.com/storefrontprofiles/DeluxeSFItemDetail.aspx?sid =1&sfid=77876&c=421871&i=10531671
If it's a hack, it's legal to sell it, but it's illegal to hide the source code. Maybe it's not a hack, maybe it's Audacity with a different name. You should write to the author of Audacity so they can check.
And please, can somebody translate (from german) what this guy is selling on ebay at €5?
http://cgi.ebay.de/Download-over-1200-albums-FREE_W0QQitemZ100501905802QQ categoryZ43613QQssPageNameZWD2VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
He's probably selling a registrastion to this (legal) commercial service: http://www.jamendo.com/