2018-05-09 13:53 GMT-03:00 Martin Peach chakekatzil@gmail.com:
I just tried this in Max6:
[pow 2] with a negative input gives a correct positive result. [pow 0.5] with negative input sets a floatnumberbox to 'nan',
yeah, but try it with [pow~] in max, you'll see that it will filter it out and make it output "0", in the same way I was telling you about the other signal objects that can generate inf/nan (I gave the example of atanh~). Currently, it seems only signal bitwise operator objects in max can potentially create inf/nan, and they have a [bitsafe~] object to deal with that (one which we also cloned for cyclone).
but [print]s the value '-1.#IND00'.
are you on windows?
In max, neither of these works in a [sel].
yep, so it'd make sense to avoid them