I made a [pack t b f f f f f f f f f f ] And connect ten vertical sliders to inlet 2-10 (1-based).
Then I connected the outlet of the [pack] to a message box with the following contents:
[wave1 sinesum $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10]
I added a tabread4-mimic and could display the wave in an array visually.
So nice so mysterious ( at least for me ;) )
Slider 1 to slider 8 are working as exspected, moving slider nine and ten results in nothing but the pure sound of silence (visually spoken...).
For what I read about [pack] the inlets sequence follows the arguments or in my case inlet #2 up to #10 are exspecting float arguments, which are given by the vsliders.
A [BANG] at inlet #2 send a bang into the pack.
But the reason, why slider #9 and slider #10 are on holidays is not very obvious to me.
The aim of all this should be a wave, which reacts on changes of each of the sliders instantly without sending an extra bang. And I want to have all slider (better: much more than ten) working. And if there is a way to normalize the result instantly I would one step nearer to eternity ;))))
I know, that there are obviously far better and total different ways to accomplish what I want to acchieve, but for the first I only want to understand, why this beast is only running on eight instead of ten legs (my be a spider therefore... ;)
Thanks a lot for any help in advance! Best regards mcc