what exactly does that mean? Do you mean compiling it in statically? Or, do you mean compiling and installing the libraries? If you mean statically, I'm not sure, but I think it will be difficult since it is gmerlin based on a plugin architecture of shared objects.
Static is one option, but not the only. You can also compile it as a
dynamic lib and included it with the external. That makes it harder
to distribute though. With Windows and Mac OS X distros of Pd- extended, there are many included dynamic libs. If there were fink
packages for gmerlin/gavl then this happens automatically as part of
the build system.Basically what I mean in something like this:
externals/readanysf externals/readanysf/readanysf~.c externals/readanysf/gavl externals/readanysf/gmerlin
Then in the Makefile for readanysf, build gavl and gmerlin, then use
something like "-I./gavl -I./gmerlin" for CFLAGS and "-L./gavl -L./ gmerlin" for LDFLAGS. Using automake would make that process easier.
Then whereever the readanysf~.pd_linux is, the .so would be included
(or .pd_darwin/.dylib, or .dll/dll).
I'm not sure it can work like that. For one, and correct me if I am wrong...cause I am certainly not the master of dynamic linking, but just because you compile an app with -L/gavl doesn't mean your system will be able to load that needed dynamic library with the app. You need to tell the system that the dynamic library is somewhere where it can find it. The second problem is that the gmerlin_avdecode library itself is based on dynamic object plugins (one for madlib, one for theora, etc.) and those object need to be in a findable place as well.
please correct me if I am missing something about how you are packaging PD. Is there a folder somewhere that you are installing shared libs that are used by pd or externals?