Hi. I acquired a p5 glove, and the Pd interface I found for it relies on
OSCx. I've been trying to build it, having added -fPIC to it, but I get
make[1]: Entering directory /home/chuckk/Glove/pd/externals/OSCx/src' cc -Wl,-export_dynamic -shared -o sendOSC.pd_linux sendOSC.o htmsocket.o OSC-system-dependent.o -L../../../pd/bin -lpd -lc -lm ../libOSC/libOSC.a /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpd collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [sendOSC.pd_linux] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2
I added several paths to the INCLUDES line in src/Makefile, as the guy suggested, with the path to a Pd src folder, but still it can't find this -lpd. I read man ld and tried searching for any kind of *libpd*, *pd.a*, or *pd.so* on my entire hard drive, and none of them exist. Should I replace this -lpd with something else? I tried removing it, and it built a faulty set of OSCx objects that don't work.
Thanks. -Chuckk