On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, scythe wrote:
Unlike in MAX and jMax, it's not possible make PureData individually address more than 16Mfloats (64Mbytes), because beyond 24-bit the float format loses detail (no odd numbers anymore, etc.) whereas MAX and jMax have a 32-bit signed integer type which can address up to 2Gfloats (8Gbytes).
are you sure about 8GB? afaik the size limit to .wav is 2GB. thats why wav64 was introduced..
Arrays are not bound to the .wav format. Writing to .wav will fail at whatever the size limit of .wav is. However you can also create arrays that you never save.
Mathieu Bouchard -=- Montréal QC Canada -=- http://artengine.ca/matju