Hi Oliver,
thanks for these examples. They both work great for me! And I have equiped my playlist with Drag’n’Drop. My structure is like this now (parent) -> (GOP-playlist) -> (GOP-track) so i drop the files into the track. Which works great if i place the GOP at margin 0/0. Now i can have several playlists in my parent and all is fine until the window gets scrolled, then the positions are off and drop is recognized at a wrong place. I just want to point to this problem, and have no clue about a solution since your abstractions worked so well but i didn’t really understand them with all the canvas magic.
Am 27.10.2018 um 09:40 schrieb oliver oliver@klingt.org:
Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
Thanx for testing! I think
with a „little" patching magic
is a very nice start. Oliver had made cool things with GOPs, [iemguts/canvasposition] [iemguts/receivecanvas] ...
and here are 2 abstractions of mine to test, for anyone interested. they are updated to lucarda's new testing syntax.
On 10/26/2018 8:44 PM, hi wrote:
IT IS WORKING! I have been wanting this for years!! Thank you!!! Now that i think about how to implement dnd for files in a playlist (that is my usecase), i think i would be best if Pd would recorgnize if a file would be dropped ontop of an GOP-subpatch or abstraction, but it will all be possible with a „little" patching magic also i guess..
that is perfectly doable, but you will need IEMGUTS for this to work, and some recalcualting since you will also have to reflect the GOP's position in the parent patch. open [ol_dropfile] and have a look inside [pd gopguts] where all the "magic" happens ...
oliver <ol_dnd_stuff_271018.zip>_______________________________________________ Pd-list@lists.iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> https://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list