Le 2011-11-02 à 08:19:00, Jonathan Wilkes a écrit :
One thing is that any GUI objects created with [widget] cease to pass messages when the containing window gets unmapped.
Is that a problem...? What problem does that cause ?
Anyway, Pd does weird things with unmapped window... It deletes all canvas-items whenever you minimise a window. I don't know whether it was ever useful to save RAM back in 1995 when 16M would cost between 640 $ and 2000 $ (remember the RAM shortage racket ?), but this behaviour is part of Pd, and you have to take into account, whether you use t_widgetbehavior or Toxy.
I don't remember whether DesireData preserved that behaviour, but it's possible that I didn't bother changing that (however, DD introduced additional layers so that C code would hardly know what Tk is).
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC