I would be interested to see an example of that Chuck
Assuming Marius and I fairly understand LTIs, how would we end up with coefficients for Biquad starting with units like mass, Youngs modulus etc?
And biquads are quite efficient, so if we had a little helper abstraction that calculated an MSD type behaviour that would be very nice.
If I remember the msd externals are bit hungry.
On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 14:20:56 -0500 "Charles Henry" czhenry@gmail.com wrote:
Are you talking about some kind of mass, spring, damper equation?
We could write such a thing with just a biquad~ or fexpr~, if that makes life easier. It's just a little bit of math.
On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 1:32 PM, marius schebella marius.schebella@gmail.com wrote:
hi, is someone working on msd? I wonder why it is not possible to change the mass of a mass dynamically with something like [setMass m1 1.5( is this function not supported because it is not possible, or just because it was not implemented yet. marius.
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