I guess, your textfile seems to contain only one (or several) line
with floats. A better way could be :
yes , the textfiles were saved through array
the data was originally a space delimited list of floats sent from javascript->JAVA->TCP->FUDI->[array set] then saved by the [write filename( message to [define array arrayname]
[read filename, rewind, bang( | [textfile] | [t l l] | | | [list length] | | | [array size arrayname] | [array set arrayname]
Dont forget [array define arrayname] somewhere in your patch.
That is simpler.
a note : if you use [array], you could use [text] instead [textfile]. ++
Thanks I could use [text] instead I guess. Does it auto resize?
It seems I haven't had any trouble with textfile or text resizing when reading from file.