Hi Jean-Yves
Did you test pd~ external ? I tested it, but it doesn't work on my computer.
I only try the help patch and is working fine.
On pdvst~:
I have just built a vstschedlib.dll for W64 but it crashes after a while.
need to do further investigations, (later...)
Be aware of this: https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/7
You should give a preprocessor flag when compiling: CPPFLAGS=-DPD_LONGINTTYPE=__int64
This days I will try to set up an 64bit DAW. I still use all 32 bit audio things, time to switch. : -)
Let me know when there's something to test.
Salutti, Lucarda
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
On 1/26/2018 7:14 AM, Jean-Yves Gratius wrote:
Lucas Cordiviola lucarda27@hotmail.commailto:lucarda27@hotmail.com wrote : I was thinking of your Pdvst~ these days as we have a working Pd64bit, the fire started from Christoff’s candle: https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/275
As I am an Pdvst~ addict may be, if possible, we can have an experimental version. I think is just about compiling it with Msys2 MinGW64?
Hi Lucas,
I tried your pd-0.48-1-w64-tcltk-w64 built, seems ok. fine !
Did you test pd~ external ? I tested it, but it doesn't work on my computer.
I have just built a vstschedlib.dll for W64 but it crashes after a while.
need to do further investigations, (later...)
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