the execute command is:
D:\pd\bin\pd.exe -midiindev 2 -soundindev 1 -soundoutdev 2 -nomidiout -listdev -lib /pd/extra/OSC -lib iemlib1 -lib iemlib2 -lib iem_mp3 -path d:\pd\iemlib\abs -open f:\pd_filez\mobile_ekh\init.pd -open f:\pd_filez\mobile_ekh\rocknroller2.pd
listdev is:
MIDI input device#1: SB Audiogy Port [D400] MIDI input device#2: USB-Audiogerät MIDI output device#1: USB-Audiogerät MIDI output device#2: SB Audiogy Sw Synth [D400] MIDI output device#3: SB Audiogy Synth A [D400] MIDI output device#4: SB Audiogy Synth B [D400] MIDI output device#5: SB Audiogy MIDI Port A [D400] MIDI output device#6: Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth audio input device #1:SB Audiogy Audio [D400] audio input device #2:Avance AC'97 Audio audio output device #1:SB Audiogy Audio [D400] audio output device #2:Avance AC'97 Audio
Josh Steiner wrote:
can you cut'n'paste the actual command you are executing and the output of "pd -listdev" for us?
.:nRSz:. wrote:
Josh Steiner wrote:
in my pd.bat file that i run pd from i launch pd like this:
c:\pd\bin\pd.exe -midiindev 1 -asio -audiodev 2
that's the problem! if i try to launch pd like this, the command windows emerges for a fraction of a second, shows the usage of the flags (wich usually means that the flags are set wrong), and then it dissapears again without launching pd. every other flag like -nomidiout or -midiindev 1 or -soundoutdev 2 is working fine, only -asio reacts like this.
any more suggestions?
to find out what your device number is, run "pd -listdev" and see which number you want...
good luck
.:nRSz:. wrote:
hi list!
is it true that i have to write "pd -asio" in the command line in order to load pd with asio drivers? because when i do it like this pd shows me an explanation of the usage of flags and closes the command window again. if i dont use the asio flag i have a audio latency up to 0.4 seconds.
i'm working on windows xp an a soundblaster audiogy. are there any other ways to reduce the latency so i can make "real realtime audio analyses"?
best, emanuel
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