i wanted to take a moment and say that i am highly amazed by the work that can be done with the py extern by Thomas Grill. i just went through the example files in pd and the related python files and i cant believe that the extern works so smoothly with pd.
first off you can dynamically create objects on the pd canvas ! i have not seen this before in pd , maybe i just wasnt looking hard enough ?
secondly , you can create tcl/tk windows to do what ever you can do in tcl/tk , but have it controlled through a pd patch you have made.
thirdly , it seems the py external can be used to create simple externals , and there for circumventing the whole C external paradigm. which to me seems easier for non-programmers to learn python then to learn C [in the context of pd externals].
and last but not least ,, you can create threads !! i havent thought of something i would like to use them for . but i think thats because i never really played with threads in the past . but i am sure some more seasoned programmers can think up thing .
that was a nice advertisement :] but seriously .. thanks for all your work on this external Thomas!!
joge .