I would like to microtune if possible with possibly 128 notes in the duple. but more probably just creating harmonic relationships ie... midi note 60 equals 64hz midi note 61 equals 68hz or 17/16 etc....
is this possible?
Don't use mtof. The tool for the job is table lookup. Use the MIDI note number (with or without some suitable integer offset) as an argument for tabread, and you're good to go.
I'm developing a Just Intonation synth in Pd. I've found that I had to horse around a little with the way I stored data in the table object: It's supposed to be 0-indexed, but the first data location seems to be ignored when it's loaded from a message object containing a list. Or something like that. YMMV. But it does work.
My synth is set up to repeat 12 pitch classes in every octave, and it's still very much a work in progress, but if you'd like to fool around with it to see how I did the tuning algorithm, let me know and I'll email it to you. (It's over half a MB.)
--Jim Aikin