I'm trying to hack plugin~ to accept a "bind foo" message that causes it to listen for messages sent to "foo-gain", "foo-drive", etc., as determined by the list of parameters the plugin accepts. Right now, every time I want to try out a new plugin, I have to do a bunch of wiring to receive a message, scale it appropriately (since I keep all my adjustable parameters in the range 0-127), and convert it to something like "control drive $1". My goal is to eliminate most of those steps with some help from plugin~ itself, which should be able to enumerate all the inputs, get their range, and listen for messages appropriately.
The problem I'm running into is that if I have made multiple pd_bind calls in the same object, to receive based on more than one symbol, I can't tell which symbol the incoming messages came from. For example, if I do: pd_bind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("a")); pd_bind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("b"));
and create corresponding [s a] and [s b] objects, I will receive messages sent via those objects -- but there is no indication which came from which.
The complicated workaround is to create a new object for each symbol I want to receive on. But before I pursue that (tedious and difficult) route, is there a more straightforward way to accomplish this?
Jacob Lee artdent@gmail.com