so, the only difference from beta1 and beta2 is that the pthread .dll is already included in in beta2, right?
2017-01-24 17:52 GMT-02:00 Lucas Cordiviola
Here goes the old cyclones:
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
*From:* Alexandre Torres Porres *Sent:* Tuesday, January 24, 2017 6:18 PM *To:* Lucas Cordiviola *Cc:*
*Subject:* Re: [PD] [coll] bug
great, please send me both 01 and 02 ;)
2017-01-24 16:12 GMT-02:00 Lucas Cordiviola
Hi Alex,
Well 0.2 beta1 had the threaded coll, and there were no problems, or they didn`t show up. (problem here was that pthreadGC2.dll was not included in the deken pkg, but most people that had Pd-extended installed already had that .dll )
Then Fred recompiled beta2 (only for windows?) which had other 3th party .dll deps.
Here where problems.
Then beta3 had coll with no threading option.
I can send you both beta1 & 2.
Salutti, Lucarda.
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
*From:* Alexandre Torres Porres *Sent:* Tuesday, January 24, 2017 5:37 PM *To:* Lucas Cordiviola; oliver *Cc:* Christof Ressi; *Subject:* Re: [PD] [coll] bug
2016-09-20 16:12 GMT-03:00 Lucas Cordiviola
I'm getting the error but only when opening the help patch. Not if using with or without the threaded option.
Testing with beta 2.
We should check the help patch.
Wow, now I tried the help file from "cyclone 02" with the [coll] version we have and I finally could replicate the bug and issue!
So this probably didn't happen before cause we have a new help file...
let me point it all out objectively:
- tested the given test patch in our threaded version of coll and in Purr
Data (which carries the old threaded version of coll): No Problems!
- tested both of these threaded coll versions with their respective help
files, no issues.
- *tested the help file from cyclone 02 with the threaded version and
got the issue!!!* Thus, the issue only presented itself with the help file included in cyclone 0.2
- I even tested the problematic help patch by opening it in Purr Data,
but couldn't replicate the error... so, even when it comes up, it's not that consistent.
This needs further investigation of course, but I can deduce that the threaded version isn't as problematic in windows as I thought so, doesnt seem like a big deal. It doesn't come up all of the time, and when it does it only happens when you close Pd, which can be annoying, but doesn't seem to really affect patching or anything...
well, I'm sorry that this feature was removed from windows in deken. I'll try to build it from beta02 and check this more throughly... but anyone who was having problems, please try Purr Data as I said, and see what comes up.
ps. - We are working on an update of [coll] and should include back the threaded functionality for windows too. But not in the same way I must say! The way it was introduced in Pd-l2ork/Purr Data and cyclone 0.2 broke max msp compatibility and we consider that to be an issue - as we consider that extra features introduced in cyclone should not break max/msp compatibility.
- We are including it now as an extra attribute and that should be alsio
included in Pd-l2ork/Purr Data as soon as we have a final release.