sara kolster wrote:
I solved it differently.. I don't use now the securtity options of X11 which means that basically anyone can use the X11 server.
in that case ( i'm trying to decipher that esoteric apple language ), i guess you don't need to issue any xhost+ anymore.
Not really a structural solution; but xhost + doesn't work; it gives me: xhost: unable to open display ""
oh, yep, try :
export DISPLAY=:0.0 xhost +
if ever you use bash..
cheers, sevy
So i wonder what the right order is to do this: First start X11, then when rootmode in terminal enter xhost +sara [in this case]? Or am i completely wrong.
Yves Degoyon wrote:
you have to issue a "xhost +" command using the account who actually started the X server ( i guess it's your user account ).
cheers, sevy
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