I like the look of these, but I can't most of the widgets to work. tcl error: in ::toxy::longvishook: wrong # coordinates: expected at least 4, got 2
i'm aware of this junk... the most common problems with widget external (which as one of it's only 3rd-party developer im still af huge fan of - it was a design decision to work within the brokenness of pd-gui) are the 2 coords instead of 4, not being able to move a widget since pd doesnt use tk's geometry/binding management, widgets that wont draw properly untio an update is issued which then clobbers the socket and prevents the rest of the patch from drawing, and the inability to load any object whose code is >20K are just a few..
will do the fairly trivial port to DesireData (mainly changing various setup procs to 'defs') and then ask for your feedback/bugs again :)