Congratulations on finishing it! Hope the defense went well.
On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:49 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Hi Folks
I defend my PhD thesis this friday here in Brazil. I'd like to share it with you because this list has always been very helpful, I actually made a remark about it in my acknowledgements. And I also put a special remark to all who were here for PdCon09, that was a great experience for me! :)
My draft text, submitted to the board, is at the following link; I shall update it though after friday according to the feedback. Then I'll release an official one later one. Wish me luck.
I know most of you can't read portuguese, sorry.
I've used lots of Pd in the research as you might wonder, and there several figures on the text all made from patches. As soon as I get to clean them all along with the text, I'll spread it out over here.
Thanks a lot people
'til next time Alex mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
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