thank you very much ! I will give feedback, as soon as possible
2007/10/1, Atte André Jensen
henrik wurster wrote:
so the question is, if there is any arpeggio-object already made, because it might be quite tough
It just so happens that I just finished my arp external last week, get it (together with a bunch of more or less relevant crap) here:
svn co svn://
Goto externals an type "make". Copy the files arp-help.pd and arp.pd_linux (or whetever platform your at) to somewhere in your pd-path or add the externals dir to your pd path.
I wrote [arp] it 'cause I was working on a piece where I needed it, and although the piece is not finished, it might give you an idea on what [arp] is doing (although I guess you might already know):
-- peace, love & harmony Atte | |