Hi Eldad!
Recently we had a netmusic conference (http://netmusic2013.wordpress.com/) and we used jacktrip for audio streams and bluejeans (http://bluejeans.com/) to the video streams. Instead of some problems with bluejeans, it worked.
Hi all, I am looking for an accessible way to do a video conference with multiple parties (4 or 5) for a telematic performance. The bandwidth is there and visual latency is not an issue in this case. Any ideas about a stable platform for this would be greatly appreciated.
In the past I worked with Access Grid, which was quite stable, but is very tricky to install on Snow Leopard and doesn't work at all on Lion and later. It still works on Windows, but not all the parties can get a Windows system, Google Hangout should work (I haven't tested it yet) but it doesn't allow you, to my knowledge, to separate the video windows and reorganize them on the screen.
There are some paid cloud-conferencing services that can work for this, but as far as I know they work on subscription. If you know of such a service that allows renting a video conferencing service temporarily that could be helpful too.
Many thanks for any help Eldad