Hi there, i've just joined to the PD list; I'm a computer-musician-developer mainly using Csound (see my home-page) but I want to expand my view to other tools. I'm completely new in PD/MAX/jMax environments and I really want to know what are their possibilites. I'm interested in swapping ideas in both visual (PD/MaxMsp/jMax) and non-visual (Csound/SAOL/SuperCollider) worlds of synthesis tools.
I have the impression that PD is the most interesting tool of the visual world, because of its introduction of graphics-oriented unit-generator (GEM).
What are the peculiar features of PD with respect of concurrence (i.e. jMax/MaxMsp) other than the language used to dovelop it? Are PD documents somewhat compatible with Max/jMax ones? What does "Pure Data" mean?
Best regards