On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 17:51, Larry Troxler wrote:
Well, I'm sorry if you were holding your breath!
I wasn't really...
(but I don't think I ever said that I was definitely going to do it, only that it would be nice (?))
Yeah, I think that was more like it.
Well that's a good start! Was it straightforward?
(load "/path/to/cm/src/cm.scm") (cm) ; and it prints the cute ascii cm logo in the shell :)
I'd like to be able to load up scheme inside PD, and then from Emacs or whatever, be able to evaluate expressions inside that interpreter, while PD is running (I imagine through an IP socket).
hmm... yeah... That'd be nice. I can't do this but if [k_guile] were able to evaluate scheme expressions sent through an inlet it would already be easy to hack something up.
Hmm, right now I didn't even know that it's possible to reload a script in to a running PD object
k_guile extern accepts 'reload' message.