On 19/07/12 22:58, András Murányi wrote:
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Hans Roelshans.roels@base.be wrote:
I need pictures of> 300 dpi of a Pd patch to publish them in an article.
Hi Hans,
The postscript files that Pd generates for me (here on Linux at least) are vector-graphic, which means they have a so-to-say "infinite resolution": one can zoom into them endlessly and shapes will still be perfect and pixel-free. (see attached screenshot of pd-window in the foreground and zoomed postscript in the background) I suggest that you check that this applies to your postscript files as well (take a look into them with Document Viewer in Gnome or Ghostscript on Windows) and is they prove to be vector-graphic, you can simply tell the editor not to worry and go ahead using them. (Of course, if someone opens a postscript file with the wrong program, it can look pixelated when it is actually not.)
if your editor is incapable of dealing with the postscript files and requires you to generate final artwork for them as pixel graphics then you will need to do that work for them. And they will need to do much better than "more than 300dpi" as a spec for what format they require for artwork.
On Linux I just tested a couple of apps and Scribus seems to do a nice job of importing the pd.ps files exported by Pd 0.43.1 ... allowing you to export it as an image file in whatever resolution you like, in many formats ... but as Miller says there is a slight difference in font size that you may need to correct for in Pd if you are relying very much on font size for your layout.
Inkscape didn't cope with the pd.ps file very well at all, and the various PDF viewers I have were more limited in their saving options.
On other OSes there are also plenty of choices for layout apps which will read the pd.ps files properly.