with route in max, strings like start, stop, reset .... could be routed with route, but in pd it says
error: route: no method for 'start' ...
is this intended or will it be implemented in future ?
(just asking, because of porting patches from max to pd)
--- Here the patch:
*------ *------
|start \ |stop
*------- *-------
| ________/
|route start stop |
| |
*-------- *--------
|print a| |print b|
#N canvas 131 152 600 498 8; #X obj 53 88 route start stop; #X msg 50 50 start; #X msg 106 51 stop; #X obj 23 121 print a; #X obj 103 120 print b; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 4 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 2 0 0 0;
mfg winfried
--- DI Winfried Ritsch - ritsch@iem.mhsg.ac.at --- INSTITUT FUER ELEKTRONISCHE MUSIK- University of Music and Dramatic Art Tel. ++43-316-389-7210, Fax.++43-316-389-7008