--- On Mon, 2/28/11, Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca wrote:
From: Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca Subject: Re: [PD] Reading and writing binary files To: "David" dfkettle@gmail.com Cc: "pd-list" pd-list@iem.at, "Martin Peach" martin.peach@sympatico.ca Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 3:31 AM On Sun, 27 Feb 2011, David wrote:
I have another question, though. How do the files get
closed? When you exit PureData? Does that mean that every time you open a file, another system file handle is used and not released until you exit PureData? Or is there some way to explicitly close the file and release the file handle, buffers, etc.?
This depends on every object class.
In the case of [binfile] [textfile] [qlist] [soundfiler], the 'read' method copies the whole file to RAM and closes immediately the filehandle.
In the case of [#io.grid] ([#in grid]) and video readers, there is 'open' and there is 'close'.
In [readsf~] it's slightly different, as 'stop' or '0' implies closing, but it's not documented as such in Miller's manual. The structure of 'open' followed by 'start'/'1' and then 'stop'/'0' would suggest that there is a separate 'close', and thus that after a stop you'd be able to resume without reopening, but this is not the case. (!!!)
GridFlow's 'load' in image readers is just a shortcut for an 'open' 'bang' 'close' sequence.
I think I remember that someone has found a filehandle leak bug somewhere in Pd, but I don't recall what that was. Anyone remembers ?
Well, I know if I read a ca. 15mb file with [textfile], it takes about 10 seconds to load, then if I try to iterate through the file with [until] Pd will freeze.
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC
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