OK, some do create!
I noticed that some objects (the ones that cause trouble for me) are totally missing.
There is e. g. a [mergefilename-help.pd] object but no [mergefilename.pd], etc. Same thing for splitfilename and stripfilename . . .
Others do work - except for the ones that I actually need for starting up my patch. How can I get these missing files?
Maybe Pd2Ork would be an option to find them . . . (Very frustrating!)
-----Original Message----- From: Ingo [mailto:ingo@miamiwave.com] Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 11:04 AM To: 'Christof Ressi'; 'Pd-List' Subject: RE: [PD] external libraries for Raspberry Pi - how to compile?
I have downloaded the iemlib from Deken.
The iemlib from Deken (iemlib[v1.22] (Linux-armv7-32).dek is in one single folder called "iemlib". The file "iemlib.pd_linux" is inside of the folder.
I have tried these options:
[declare -lib iemlib] [declare -lib iemlib -path iemlib] [declare -lib iemlib -path /usr/lib/puredata/extra/iemlib]
[declare -path iemlib] [declare -path /usr/lib/puredata/extra/iemlib]
Still none of the objects create. What would be the correct way to declare the library?
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you! Ingo
-----Original Message----- From: Ingo [mailto:ingo@miamiwave.com] Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 10:20 AM To: 'Christof Ressi'; 'Pd-List' Subject: RE: [PD] external libraries for Raspberry Pi - how to compile?
What if all .pd_linux files are missing? Where can I get them if not by downloading?
Maybe by downloading and compiling the source - but I don't find instructions for that either . . . :-(
-----Original Message----- From: Pd-list [mailto:pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at] On Behalf Of Christof Ressi Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 10:15 AM To: Pd-List Subject: Re: [PD] external libraries for Raspberry Pi - how to
I'm 100% sure that this is just a matter of correctly loading iemlib, see my other post. Other people have been using iemlib on the RPi without problems.
Don't worry :-)
On 12.09.2021 03:36, Ingo wrote:
I'm aware of the fact that pretty much anything can be replaced. For compatibility reasons I have to stick with Pd 0.49, though . . .
My dilemma is that I have written over 13 years on this software. It's
Finding and replacing all objects that don't work anymore will take me at least several months doing nothing else. Without iemlib and iemgui working nothing even loads for starting up the software. This stuff had been written more than 10 years ago and I used whatever was working at this time.
The very first errors I get are
iemlib/splitfilename couldn't create
mergefilename ... couldn't create
Then loading stops already at less than 1% of the software being
If I don't get any further I'm stuck. iemlib objects are all over the software with thousands of abstractions.
When I install iemlib with "apt-get install pd-iemlib" it installs that patches and help files but all the .pd_linux files are missing. Same thing with Deken. So, none of the objects are created.
The only way to get this running is by compiling the last non working libraries - mainly iemlib for now to get some loading at
Then I can go ahead and replace or fix things.
However, I have never compiled any libraries before - I don't even know whether iemlib can be compiled on the RPi at all. Should be possible, though since there is a version on Deken - it just doesn't work here.
It's a brand-new operating system and I don't know which softwares to install for compiling and there are next to zero instructions on the iemlib source code.
I cannot find any detailed and - more important - complete instructions for generally compiling libraries. All instructions assume that I already know how to compile libraries and that I have installed all needed software. But it's a brand new system with NOTHING is installed. And even worse I have no idea what to do if anything goes wrong or if nothing at all happens.
If someone can point me to general instruction or a compiled version of iemlib for the RPi I'd be extremely grateful !
Thanks Ingo
-----Original Message----- From: Pd-list [mailto:pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at] On Behalf Of oliver@klingt.org Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2021 3:39 PM To: pd-list@lists.iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] external libraries for Raspberry Pi - how to
Am 11. September 2021 15:12:04 MESZ schrieb Ingo ingo@miamiwave.com:
Thanks, IOhannes!
Using apt-get took care of most except for iemgui, moocow and
What exact objects do you need from those ?
iemlib is as always incomplete!
That's strange. I recall it being complete the last time i used a
I. e. some objects don?t create like e.g.
[mergefilename], [stripfilename], [splitfilename], etc.
With recent PD versions you don't need an object like [mergefilename] anymore. You can do basically anything with simple combinations of [symbol] [pack] [list] and messages.
Also have a look at the HCS library. That should cover your needs !
Gesendet von meiner Gurkn
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