But my question was: where to put it, so that PD (on OSX) can find it ?
I think on osx you should have the same folder tree:
whateveryourpath-to/externals/pd-dnd-plugin --> here the "dnd-plugin.tcl" whateveryourpath-to/externals/pd-dnd-plugin/tkdnd --> here "libtkdnd2.8.dylib" and all the other .tcl
And then add path " -path pd-dnd-plugin " or [declare -path pd-dnd-plugin].
what is the plugin supposed to do ?
Open a file explorer.
Drag and drop a .pd file to the console --> the patch is open in a new window.
Drag and drop a .pd file to the an open patch --> the dropped .pd file is now a sub-patch.
I didn't test anything else, probably there are other functions?
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
On 10/23/2018 7:51 PM, oliver wrote:
Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
Hi Oliver,
I recently uploaded to Deken "pd-dnd-plugin" for windows. All the needed files are contained inside the plugin folder.
I build it with sources from https://github.com/megrimm/pd-dnd-plugin.
There you will find the prebuilt osx binary in the 'tkdnd' folder. I guess it will work but i can't test osx things.
hi, lucas !
thanks a lot for joining in.
that package in your link i already got. it's "tkdnd 2.8" and downloadable from sourceforge here:
But my question was: where to put it, so that PD (on OSX) can find it ? as i wrote, i am a bit confused, because i can't find the folder "lib" where i used to put that package into on windows to make the plugin work.
i figure, Tcl/TK things are dealt with a little different on OSX ...
about your "pd-dnd-plugin": sounds very promising, but how is it supposed to work ? i downloaded it "from deken" and it loads alright, but ... what do i have to do then ? ;-)
what is the plugin supposed to do ? i can find no instruction file ...
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