Hi David,
The tabread4~ is one of the objects that act differently than their pd version. In PDa the maximum number that you can get out of a signal is 8192.0. Therefor tabread is not indexed with samples but with milliseconds. (Which in turn limits the samples playable to a length of 8.192 seconds).
In short, if you want to play a second of sound, send [0, 1000 1000< to the line~ object connected to tabread4~.
If you use phasor~ to control tabread~, multiply its output by the amount of milliseconds that you want to play, not by the number of samples.
If you still have problems, send me the patch you are using. PDa is not comming with all the help files because of these small incompatibilities (and, because I would have to redo them because of the screen sizes)
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005, David NG McCallum wrote:
I'm having problems with tabread4~ on PDa. The help-tabread4~ patch from PD on PDa gives 0 for all input values except < 0 which yields -.4999997.
any ideas?
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