I wasn't aware it needed extra compiling, being a part of the regular GEM library AFAIK. It should be definitely be in PD-extended as one of the built-in GEM objects. The help files are there, and it creates under the versiosn I have:
$ locate scopeXYZ /Applications/Pd-0.39.2-extended-test4.app/Contents/Resources/doc/5.reference/Gem/scopeXYZ~.pd /Applications/Pd-0.39.2-extended-test6-G4.app/Contents/Resources/doc/5.reference/Gem/scopeXYZ~.pd /Applications/Pd-0.39.2-extended-test6.app/Contents/Resources/doc/5.reference/Gem/scopeXYZ~.pd
nosehair911@bellsouth.net wrote:
Does anyone know where I can get [scopeXYZ~] compiled for ppc or how to compile from cvs for ppc on os X. BTW due to all your help I have put together a comprehensive version that uses the best of all I have read so far and I have attached it. Any help or criticism is welcomed. I realized its not the best solution but someone out there will find it useful, I know I will.