2016-06-27 18:08 GMT-03:00 Raphaël Ilias phae.ilias@gmail.com:
I think this discussion is moving to a general debate... or a troll :-( about external vs. abstraction Anyway, I'm interested in this not-so-childish debate, even if I might not have the skills to give some arguments (like on performance), and that I think it's more a personal matter at the end.
I think we all know what an abstraction is good and convenient for, or what it's possible of doing, same with externals. I dont really care much for this discussion and I'm sorry I ended up promoting it, it wasn't my intent... and I dont care for it as I'm afraid such a discussion won't bring much new information for most of us and will be, in the end, a matter of personal preference, as I first pointed when questioned about it.
However, I do agree with Cyrille that shared abstractions may be good because
- they are patched in "pd" which is, for sure and at least the "common
language of the pd users".
- they can provide ways of faster patching when well standardized (I'm
thinking for example to "list-abs")
I do agree on this point about their convenience and everything. I pointed I do offer abstractions for that matter. Though I do maintain the personal and humble opinion that I'd rather see a multislider external in this case. Mostly because I don't feel like installing 10 external libraries just so I can check it.
I guess I wasn't clear when I said I'd love to see it as an external and included in some library - maybe I should have spent more time writing more than just a couple of lines. But my point was only that it'd be quite easier if it were the case where we could just see it just as an external included in some of the libraries you used - like cyclone...
Now that I hopefully made myself clear, I wonder and ask; does anyeone disagree with that? Does anybody think it's a better thing that cyclone doesn't have a multislider object included right there and that maybe it's just better to have an abstraction that relies on the cyclone library and many more? Why?