Edit the prefs file directly:
hey !
thanks for the reply. .. sorry if i wasnt clear, because this is what i meant by saying i already added them through the property list editor. but when i started pd i always got the message (for example): "gripd: could not load library" only after i added gripd to the start up prefs did i not get the message again.. there is something for sure that i dont get about what to do, because
load a gripd object 2) am i hoping that there is a simpler way to add a library or to be able to run pd with more libraries than i can add in the start up prefs--
and for alexandre's: ...or edit your ~/.pdrc ! And use deprecated features, but portable to Linux.
im sorry too, but im not yet fluent in the use of language so unfortunately i do not understand.. what is the ...../.pdrc ? what are deprecated features and why portable to linux ?
merci : )