On Dec 1, 2005, at 3:44 AM, João Miguel Pais wrote:
Its a great little app, I am already a fan and used it in the
designing of the PDDP template sketches. I am glad you are putting
some time into it.thanks. I'll try to get the other ones finished as soon as possible.
- name is shorter, $-ed (cnv-ed)
I gotta say, the two extra characters, i and t, really make it much
more clear what the object does.that's true. but with use (and I didn't used it that much, only a few
days) they become redundant. and since this is to increase speed, I
guess in the 3rd day of using these objects it will be clear. (like f,
t, s and r)
In continuation of other recent threads, I really think that saving a
few characters is not worth it. Pd becomes much more usable, and
patches are much easier to understand if whole words are used. Then
you need only understand English rather than Pd-english on top of that.
How about [gui-edit]?
the project is to make one for each gui (which will happen fast, since
the model seems to be accepted): hsl-ed, nbx-ed, ...-ed. Funny,
"Gui-edit" is the general description I put in the Instructions. But
for the individual objects it is better so.
They are all so similar, I think in the long run it might be better to
try to make a unified editor with a selector for specific GUI objects.
Then there is only one patch to maintain, and improvements on one
automatically get inherited by others.
hradio, vradio, hslider, vslider, bang, and toggle all have internal
sends. Probably some others too.all have, but what's important here is the function of the send. so
far I saw cnv is the only one which can use the send to edit purposes,
that is, to give the coordinates where it is. All the others use the
send to output their result.
[cnv-edit] worked 'out-of-box' for me on sliders and such, but some of
the mappings were different. What about a unified patch that has a
selector for specific objects that need different mappings?
I starting an "all about GUIs" patch, right now its mostly just a
catalog of existing objects. Later descriptions and examples will be
added. Feel free to contribute, its in CVS under doc/pddp/aboutI am going to leave all these objects in my iem-wiki page,
https://puredata.info/Members/jmmmp/ . I never went to cvs (installed
all my things alone), must check that out.
I can check in your patches to CVS if you don't want to do it, but its
better if you maintain your code there.
By the way maybe one suggestion for the help patches (I use pddb): I
find it better to write $ext-help.pd than help-$ext.pd. It makes the
seach on the shell easier. I guess you might have a good reason to put
it like it is now, but since the files are on a separate folder, I
don't see how it would make a big difference to change it as Miller
had it in the first place.
blahblah-help.pd is the standard reference filename format. There are
still quite a few patches using the old format, but I am rallying to
get people to change that. The Pd-extended installers have all patches
converted to blahblah-help.pd as part of the build process.
There is no way to peace, peace is the way.
-A.J. Muste