Thanks, will check it out this evening. Capturing the F8s and measuring the frequency should do the trick...I hope. With some intergration over time I can maybe live with some jitter. We'll see.
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On 8/30/02 at 8:44 PM wrote:
Few years ago,I made prototype of it. but there is a jitter. So It is not documented,may be.
midirealtimein recieve F8 to FF. so you need filter.
thank you.
[Thomas Loop ] wrote at (08/30):- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wow, thanks for the midirealtimein-tip. Clock is exactly what I need. How did you find that object. Didn't even know it exists. It's not
What exactly do you mean by incorrect timing? Is there a jitter?
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On 8/30/02 at 7:28 PM wrote:
You can get MIDI CLOK at [midirealtimein] object. but [midirealtimein] works Windows platform only.
and there is [midiclkin] object but it is under constructing now, Miller?
anyway incoming timing is not correct timing.
Sorry,my strange English.
[Thomas Loop ] wrote at (08/30):- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi list,
has there been any advancement on the field of MIDI for PDwin? I need to get a midi clock into pd on a Win2k system to sync a GEM
Any ideas? I know this has been asked a few times before but I couldn't find any
solution, yet.
And no, I can't afford Linux at the moment. Just too expensive in terms
of time :-)
All the best and bows to the dev-folks for this great piece of software,
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Toshinori Ohkouchi
PD-list mailing list
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Toshinori Ohkouchi