wow, i finally got back online (computer trouble - blah)...hmmmmm in hindsight that original message was vague and filled with innacurate statements (in my circle im famous for shooting my mouth off), i have a feeling i wasnt in a state of mind at the time which would allow me to ask incisive questions....what i was saying when i discussed freezing a delay sort of refered to the whole issue of "granular sampling" that mr. turner brought up, although it was mostly a rhetorical question, also i was thinking of freeverb~ which has a freeze reverb tail function and i was just trying to remember the exact ins and outs of the moorer schroeder reverb, but at the time i wasnt sure what i was thinking so i made a rather vague statement which probably isnt so useful to the issue of computer music (i'm an artist by trade - well i try - and in that field of work vagueness and mystery is often a virtue)...
anyhow all that stuff about block~ and signal~ was probably me just being a jerk, when things are going well on pd i want to give everyone hugs and kisses but when things go wrong i feel like chasing computer programmers through fields in a disturbing hommage to planet of the apes, i only wish though my terminology had at least been accurate, what i meant to say was there a way of sending data to the objects in a more "mobile" sort of way rather than by having "message" messages, "set 4096 1 1" for example, it probably would have been useful to ask why certain externals take certain messages, would it for example be really bad to change the buffersize constantly during operation?...oh yeah and that stuff about control inlets, well that was just a categorical error on my part...i wasnt thinking straight at the time...
oh yeah and finally mr. smoelning this is the second time you have been mean to me, dont you love me? why cant we all get along? has anyone done a patch implementing an internation group hug?
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