On Sep 13, 2006, at 1:50 AM, Rich E wrote:
On 6/11/06, Diego Azar dazar_uy@yahoo.com wrote: Hi, I'm having a problem with the PureData objects linuxmouse and
linuxevents on Agnula 1.3.0 while opening /dev/input/event$; it
fails. I use to have this problem in pd 0.38 in agnula 1.2.1, but
the problem was that I needed root permission to access it.I'm having the root permission problem. Its kinda becoming a
hassle switching to root in pd and then having to chmod every patch
that I make.. Can anyone tell me how I can make things where I can
use /dev/input/* without being root? "chmod a+rw /dev/input/ event2" works, but it goes away after startup. Maybe I should put
this in a startup script, or is there a better way?
My guess is that the permissions are like -rw-rw----. Just add your
user to the group that has permissions on the input devices, log out
and back in, and you'll have access.
But now it even fail while logged on as root. Any one know
something I could do?Thanks, Diego. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com
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