Hallo Michael,
I could not yet look at your patch, but isn't your need the same as [list-group] in the SVN? Maybe you haven't seen it yet. It's a rather new object together with list-iter, they both clone the respective operations from the [zl] object.
There also is the older [list-lastx].
Michal Seta hat gesagt: // Michal Seta wrote:
I am sure that someone has already thought about this before me but for some reason I did not see anything like this in the list-abs (or perhaps I am lagging behind the current version) but I needed an object to group incoming streams of numbers like [list-extend] does but with fixed number of atoms and output only when the list is ready (rather than incrementally like [list-extend] does).
I attach my take on it. Maybe someone else will find it useful.
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