there is some research using a 120 channel microphone array here: http://plessas.mur.at/rnd/rnd.html
Page 55 of this thesis shows a Pd patch using spherical harmonics. http://plessas.mur.at/rnd/da/Thesis_Plessas.pdf
This link to a video demo of 1st order beamforming using a nice GEM gui is also available: http://plessas.mur.at/rnd/demo/demo.html
It seems that IEM does a lot of work on the topic, and I am sure they use Pd there! :-) see for example http://iaem.at/Members/zotter
best, Jo
I have not worked on it, but I think it's really interesting. Studying microphone arrays for source localization is on my list... once I get through everything else I started and didn't finish yet.
I was really wondering about microphone arrays arranged in a circle, semi-circle, or around the perimeter of a room to pick up sounds selectively by location. I think that could be used to good effect for performance/recording.
What are you up to now?
On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 5:27 AM, Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
Hello, did anyone ever worked on beamforming using microphone array for audio source localisation and noise reduction?
thx Cyrille
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